UWB Crest

OOFDM for Cost Effective Access Networks (OCEAN)

Project organisation

The OCEAN project consists of six technically and logically linked workpackages (WPs), each of which has a number of tasks with the objectives, partner contributions, outputs and the time schedules being clearly specified.

WP1: System requirement definition and design

This workpackage will define the system requirements. The generation of requirements will be mainly system/equipment vendor driven to ensure the alignment of OCEAN with the market needs. High level requirements will need to be refined through interactions with the technical experts in components and OOFDM implementation and will also make extensive use of computer simulations and experimental testbed findings.
The business case for the OCEAN concept will be analysed through techno-economic studies driven by the system/equipment vendors with inputs from all the project partners regarding realistic cost projections for the complete system and components parts (inputs from WP2, WP3 and WP4). Furthermore, a roadmap for the evolution from current fibre access systems to an OCEAN system will be devised. The workpackage will identify and assemble knowledge gained from the OCEAN project to prepare contributions to standards bodies when appropriate.

Main contributions:

  • Network architecture definition for OCEAN
  • Specification of OCEAN sub-systems and systems;
  • Definition of requirements for final Showcase;
  • Techno-economic studies;
  • Evolution roadmap;
  • Identification and collation of any contributions to standards bodies.

WP2: Development, evaluation and optimisation of OOFDM transceiver components

WP2 is to develop, evaluate and optimize the OOFDM transceiver components according to the high-level requirements identified in WP1 and the engineering requirements from WP3 and WP4. Throughout the proposal, the term of component refers to physical components, DSP algorithms and MAC protocols. As required in WP2, the developed components will be evaluated and reworked or optimized by using both individual component test capabilities and upgraded “lab-bench” prototype OOFDM transceivers.

Main contributions:

  • Development of optimised DACs/ADCs having >10GS/s and >8-bit resolution with highly linear characteristics and suitable high-speed digital interfaces.
  • Minimisation of logic element usage and reduction of algorithms implementation complexity for real-time DSP algorithms including IFFT/FFT, channel estimation and equalization, symbol synchronisation, on-line performance monitoring, etc.
  • Directly modulated tunable laser frequency chirp compensation by using modified driving currents.
  • Identification and assessment of suitable off-the-shelf low-cost optical and electrical components, i.e. tunable lasers, detectors, RF amplifiers, TIAs, electrical filers, VCOs, etc.
  • Definition and evaluation of the necessary steps required to transfer OOFDM PON system prototype requirements to a cost and power consumption optimised ASIC/ASSP solution fit for commercial deployment.
  • Proposition and evaluation of advanced OOFDM MAC protocols together with an Ethernet Interface to transmit real-time traffic.

WP3: Integrated OOFDM transceiver modules

This workpackage designs and develops the integrated OOFDM transceiver module to be used in the OOFDM PON system prototype developed in WP4. The workpackage will take requirements from WP1 and translate these into suitable designs. There will need to be a close link between this workpackage and WP2 to ensure the OOFDM transceiver module and the involved components are mutually compatible. Furthermore, there also needs to be close co-operation with WP4 to ensure the transceiver module design is suitable for integration with the OOFDM PON system prototype. WP3 will need to work with WP4 to ensure smooth system integration and successful operation of the final OCEAN demonstrator.

Main contributions:

  • Design and development of integrated >20Gb/s OOFDM transceiver modules with appropriate data and management interfaces.
  • Verification and validation of integrated OOFDM transceiver module performance.
  • Transfer of OOFDM transceiver modules to OOFDM PON system prototypes.
  • Supply of sufficient integrated OOFDM transceiver modules for PON system prototypes.
  • Contribution to techno-economic studies with views on realistic volume cost projections.

WP4: Design and development of OOFDM PON system prototypes

The key purpose of WP4 is to integrate the developed OOFDM transceiver modules into OOFDM PON system prototypes capable of carrying services at >1Gb/s per subscriber. OOFDM WDM PONs will also be experimentally demonstrated. The workpackage will be equipment vendor led and will require close liaison with WP2, WP3 and WP5. The OOFDM PON system prototype will be developed and tested to ensure it is suitable for use in the final comprehensive demonstration.

Main contributions:

  • Specification and development of OOFDM-based OLTs and ONTs with appropriate high layer interfaces and features to enable broadband comprehensive lab demonstrations.
  • Production of an OLT with necessary interfaces such as element management and network features.
  • Implementation of OOFDM aware management features to handle reconfigurable, adaptive and scalable OOFDM system profiles.
  • Production of several managed OOFDM ONTs with suitable interfaces and demonstration of colourless operation.
  • Verification and validation of OOFDM PON system prototype performance.
  • Demonstration of compatibility of the OOFDM PON system prototype with legacy PON systems.
  • Installation and configuration of the OOFDM PON system prototype for comprehensive lab demonstration.
  • Demonstrations of OOFDM WDM PONs capable of supporting 32 wavelengths at 100GHz frequency spacing, >20Gb/s over >60km per wavelength channel.
  • Contribution to techno-economic studies with views on realistic volume cost projections.

WP5: Comprehensive lab trials

This workpackage is aimed at showcasing the features of the OCEAN system with comprehensive lab demonstrations. The workpackage will take inputs from WP1 to define the high-level objectives and will translate these into the final Showcase. The representative future broadband services will be specified and suitable platforms will be integrated to utilise the OOFDM PON system prototype. Close co-operation will be required with WP4 to understand the features of the system and to ensure smooth integration with the services and network infrastructure.

The work will include:

  • Specify representative future broadband services that showcase OCEAN system features.
  • Construct suitable infrastructure for the demonstration.
  • Demonstrate the OCEAN system to ensure maximum publicity and downstreaming of the project output.